Saturday, October 5, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Most Americans Unaware Obamacare And Affordable Care Act Are The Same Thing [VIDEO]

Written By Unknown; About: Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Most Americans Unaware Obamacare And Affordable Care Act Are The Same Thing [VIDEO] on Saturday, October 5, 2013 ® Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Most Americans Unaware Obamacare And Affordable Care Act Are The Same Thing [VIDEO]

Comedian and late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel hit the streets yet again to prove that society just has no idea what they are talking about. Known for his epic pranks and spoof skit "Lie Witness News," Kimmel has proved time and time again that Americans will say just about anything to seem smart. Recently, during "Jimmy Kimmel Live," he sent a camera crew out to Hollywood Boulevard to ask random pedestrians whether they agree with Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act. Hint: the two are the same thing and they go by both names.

Both also reference President Obama's current initiative to prove affordable health care insurance to millions of Americans that may not otherwise have it. In the beginning of the segment, Kimmel jokes that American's say the don't like Obamacare but they like it when the numbers are broken down for them. As funny as this may be, the polls show it to be true.

One woman, after Kimmel's crew reveals their hidden agenda laughs and says "Thanks, you made me you look stupid.

Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Most Americans Unaware Obamacare And Affordable Care Act Are The Same Thing [VIDEO]

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